Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunny-Side Up...

The last few days, I've felt yucky.  I'm not sick or anything, I've just had a bad attitude.  I hope it hasn't shown on the outside, but I've felt it on the inside.  I know it's just because I'm tired, stressed, have too much on my plate, etc.  You know, everything that everyone else has going on :)  When I get in these little funks, I like to think of what makes me happy.  So, as a self-therapy-type-thing, I've made a list of some of what makes me happy.

~My husband, my babies, my red kitchen, fuzzy socks, the smell of coffee, anything and everything PiNk!, Gene Kelly when he's "Singin' in the Rain", ridiculously HUGE hairbows on little girls, ChRiStMaS MuSiC, fresh sheets, organized drawers, my perfect little black dress, the changing of the seasons, Paul Harvey's noon radio commentaries, Sunday afternoon naps, Laurie's perfect dimple, chenille bathrobes, yummy scented candles, Mary Carolyne's beautiful blue eyes, good hand cream, the feeling of a baby kicking in my tummy, black and white tv shows, Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole, my Dyson vacuum cleaner, Allison's cute "sprinkling" of fReCkLeS,  friendly people, my friends, John*Paul*George*Ringo, Anne Claire's toothless grin, my momma, running, the freedom to worship, getting a recipe right the first time, ***BeDtImE***, realizing that thanking God and counting your bLeSsInGs makes everything all better :)


brooke said...

I get in those funks too...I think we all do. Love your fun! Hope today is a better day for you!!! Go eat some chocolate, that should help. :) Well, at least it does for me.

The HoneaBees said...

Love your list and agree with most of them! Especially the baby in the tummy one! I LOVED being pregnant! It was a time that I felt like I really had a purpose and could use my multi-tasking skills to the know, when else do you get to clean the house all while growing some fingers and toes and eyelids?
I love to read your blog!!

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