Thursday, September 23, 2010

Just Hear Me Out

Being the mom of four daughters, I feel like I am constantly filing little bits of advice in my brain to share with them at the appropriate time.  I am by no means an expert advice-giver.  I constantly second-guess even the tiniest decisions.  Nevertheless, I scraped together what I think is some of the best advice I can give my girls.  This is not all of it, because I'm still learning too.  Hopefully, they'll consider it...or at least humor me and pretend like they are :)

~Keep God first.  Always.  No exceptions.
~Stay in church and be involved in it. 
~Marry a Christian.  That doesn't mean your marriage will be problem-free, but having God in common makes those inevitable problems easier to handle.
~Be nice to everyone, but don't be a doormat.  People will respect you a lot more if you stick up for yourself.
~Appreciate what others do for you.
~Give people the benefit of the doubt.
~Keep your toenails painted :)  Everyone loves cute feet :)
~Clean up after yourself.
~Learn how to keep a house clean, but don't think that it's your "job" just because you're a woman.  Make it clear to your husband it's a 50/50 thing.
~Defend people who are defenseless. 
~Don't allow people to spread rumors.  Try to be the one who stops it.
~Take the time to do your hair and make-up, but feel good about yourself even if you skip a day doing it :)
~Know how to balance a checkbook.
~Know how to fix a toilet.
~Know how to put air in your tires and jump start your car.
~Laugh at yourself.
~Before you get married, live alone for awhile.  It may be the only time in life when you have your own space :)
~Love and appreciate your husband and tell him that everyday, several times a day.  They need to hear that :)
~Make sure your children know you love and appreciate their daddy.  They also need to hear that :)
~Don't wear tapered jeans.  Just don't.
~Make your bed every morning.
~Don't act dumb just to impress a boy.  They appreciate a smart girl.
~Don't get upset when your dad and I won't let you do certain things.  I promise it's only because we love you.  I also promise you'll grow to hate that reason when you're a teenager :) 
~A 16 year old boy usually isn't as safe a driver as you think.  That's why we've already decided you're not getting into a car with one.  Ever.
~Choose a career that you really love and give it everything you've got.
~Be well-read.
~Know that the kids at school who are "nerds" are just millionaires in the making.  Be nice, they may be your boss someday :)
~Be nice to waiters and waitresses.
~Be sweet to your sisters.  They will be your best friends someday :)